You’re smart. You’ve grown a successful business, you’ve read books and you’ve networked with peers to improve yourself. You want to continue to grow, but you’ve reached a point where you have more questions than answers.
As the leader of your business, you are the one ultimately responsible for its success or its failure. Your team looks to you for answers, vision, and a plan to execute. Meanwhile, the demands from clients, shareholders, and vendors are falling into your lap, and it feels like all you’re doing is putting out fires daily.
It is time to stop working in your business, and start working on it. Ask yourself these questions:
Does your team share and understand your long-term vision for the business, and their role within it?
Is everyone on your leadership team on the same page and completely accountable?
Would you enthusiastically re-hire all leadership team members?
Do you have ample cash to run and grow your business, and let you sleep well at night?
Are you able to balance time working on your business with family and personal time?
If you want to answer yes to every question above, it’s time to make a change. And you don’t have to do it alone.
Imagine having someone in your corner - a coach, confidante, and guide who’s been in your shoes, and can point you in the right direction. Someone who knows the right questions, the right tools, and can hold you accountable every step of the way.
I would like to hear your story and what’s on your mind. Contact Xavier to set a time to talk.
Xavier Naville
Strategy & Execution Coach
A former CEO, Xavier Naville has been in your shoes. He has led start-ups, owned and run businesses, and worked for multinationals around the world. He knows the bitter mornings, the knot in the stomach when cash is scarce, the numbing paralysis that takes over in the face of complex decisions.
Now, Xavier uses this hard-won knowledge to help CEOs and their leadership teams through the battles and victories of growing a business. With him in your foxhole, you’re guaranteed an independent voice to help you clarify your goals, envision the path to scale, and align your leadership team so that everyone is rowing in the same direction.
"When I was running my company, it often felt lonely. I managed to convince myself that because I was the CEO I was supposed to solve everything on my own. Sometimes, I put myself under incredible pressure and sometimes, I hesitated at making some decisions when I should have been quicker. That's why I became a coach — to leverage my own experience and be the one person the CEO can count on for unbiased feedback."
- Xavier Naville -
Success Stories
The Lettuce Diaries
How a Frenchman Found Gold Growing Vegetables in China
By Xavier Naville
The Lettuce Diaries is a brutally honest and often humorous memoir of doing business in China, viewed through a prism of lettuces. It doubles as a primer for all seeking to do business there, and explains the importance of many lessons Xavier finally learned the hard way - things like humility and listening to what people say. And how China is both totally different and a huge opportunity.
“…an informative and well-written story of entrepreneurship in China.” —Agust Gudmundsson